
Solar energy is among the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy sources in the world, and the United States has some of the richest solar resources. Solar projects improve air quality, stabilize global temperatures, and enhance global health. Energy generation from the sun has very low impact on land, does not affect groundwater, and produces no carbon pollution or dangerous emissions.

For our landowners, solar means dependable, steady income and the ability to keep the land in the family.

Landowner Benefits

landowner benefits

For the landowners of our project sites, Energix's solar projects provide a great source of high-value, dependable, long-term, and low-risk passive income through long-term lease agreements. Due to our lease structure solar is a great alternative for families thinking of retiring from farming, with solar your land will stay productive and remain in the family

Solar is also a great alternative to remediate former brownsfields and earn passive income on land you want to maintain ownership of. During the permitting and construction of Energix’s projects it will perform remediation efforts to remediate these prosperities that have undergone extreme conditions during their mining operations.

Community benefits

Solar projects create multiple revenue streams for local communities. Through state-mandated tax requirements, solar companies help fund local governments. This yearly revenue, which is paid for by the solar company, is often directly allocated to local schools and essential county services (police, fire department, etc.). In addition, localities receive increased property tax revenue from the land improvement, which Energix Renewables pays on behalf of the landowner.

economic benefits

Solar projects directly stimulate local job markets by increasing the demand for labor. Energix Renewables attempts to hire as many local workers as possible. These workers receive on-site solar installation experience. With the US solar industry’s average annual growth rate at 49%, this experience can jumpstart long-term careers for local citizens. For positions we cannot fill locally, Energix’s contractors and subcontractors will stay in hotels, where they will eat and shop locally. This spending creates substantial revenue for the local hospitality industry.

environmental benefits

Energix seeks to maximize clean energy output and minimize environmental detriment by optimizing the placement of solar sites, the use of responsibly produced, ultra-low carbon thin film solar modules, agrivoltaics through sheep grazing, and creating pollinator habitats. Energix constantly seeks to supplement the environmental benefits we provide as a renewable energy power producer with the goal to protect and maintain the land and soil health, which in turn helps protect local watersheds. We have initiated plans to implement pollination meadows and the installation of bee colonies at our sites, supporting local pollination efforts by providing habitat for species such as bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and more. This allows for wildlife and vegetation to thrive on our sites. Our pilot agrivoltaics program prioritizes sustainable coexistence and maximizing land use efficiency.

To learn more about how solar can benefit you and your community, call us at 703-323-7345 or email

Landowner Testimonials

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Energix has the knowledge, resources, and capital to make things happen.”

Ryan Johnson
Buckingham, VA

The diligence and remarkable work ethic I have witnessed by this team is reassuring in knowing that Energix is putting every effort forward to build projects on my property and maintain them throughout their lifespans.”

Robert Whitehurst
Mount Jackson, VA

Energix has been responsive and a pleasure to deal with.”

Richard Burroughs
Chesapeake, VA
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